Rhubarb Baked Alaska

I found some beautiful rhubarb, so soft and tender at this time of year. I made a compote and found that using white wine instead of orange juice, maintained its glorious pink.

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White wine or Rose
1 sponge (click on link for recipe. You will need half the quantity for one sponge) 
Ice Cream
4 egg whites
160g caster sugar

  1. Slice the rhubarb and sprinkle it with equal quantities of caster sugar and wine. The wine need to form a puddle in the dish, so that the rhubarb is not swimming in it.

  2. Place it the oven at 170C/340F for about 15 mins until it still holds its shape but a knife inserts easily into it.

  3. Now place in a jar when cooled and it will keep in the fridge for whatever you would like to use it for.

  4. Whisk the egg whites to medium peak and then gradually add the sugar, whisking after each addition until it is thick.

  5. Place the sponge on a serving dish followed by rhubarb. Spoon some of the juice onto the sponge.

  6. Take tub of ice cream and if you are lazy like me then but the cardboard from around it and plonk it on top of the rhubarb.

rhubarb plonk.jpg

7. Cover with the raw meringue and use a blow torch to colour it.

8. Dig in.

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