What’s Your Story?….

Below are examples of where RMT has made Connections.

Case 1:

  • Born in trauma following a 49 hour labor. Silence, legs and arms tucked in.

  • Vision closed in to 19 degrees, like a port hole with extremely limited periphery. Despite regular standard optical checks this was not discovered until aged 11 because your periphery is not tested until you are at risk of glaucoma as an older person. A combination of light therapy and rhythmic movement training open up vision within 7 months.

  • Resisted affection as a baby, with massage causing distress.

  • Non standard pencil grip. Untidy handwriting.

  • Anxiety and not sleeping through the night

  • Panic attacks in senior school

  • The shoulder surgeon said her brain was telling her body to move the wrong way leading to shoulder subluxation (semi dislocation) which lasted 6 months.

    RMT results: full vision, able to give and receive affection, (8 months after RMT reflex specific movements and daily hand and foot massages, aged 14 she gave her mother her first voluntary hug), standard tripod pencil grip, no more panic attacks or anxiety, full sleep, body awareness.

Case 2:

  • Born in trauma following a 36 hour labor. Silence. Legs and arms tucked in.

  • This is an example of an alternative response to birth trauma in Case 1. He was pliable, wanting to love and to please which resulted in his being the victim of bullying at school.

  • Medium Dyslexic

  • Lack of coordination.

    RMT results - he is a confident self assertive teenager, moving with increased coordination so that he has gone from the bottom sports teams to top. Able to stand up for himself. Having always been an angel, he is now ‘answering back’ to his parents. This is is positive; going through ‘terrible twos’ at some stage paves the way to feeling in control of your Self, feeling ‘safe’ in your world..

Case 3:

  • Voice audibly fading in class when asked a question. This had been the case for some years.

  • Overwhelmed by boys at his new school.

  • Lacking in confidence.

    RMT results: more able to take part and to assert himself. His father commented on his son’s increased confidence.

A few minutes of RMT a few times per week allows the plasticity of your brain to make connections, enabling the changes YOU need.

Case 4:

  • A little girl who, when the family are playing board games in the holidays, demands attention. This disrupts the games and inevitably leads to her being put in front of the TV.

  • People pleaser. Keen to engage with pupils at school no matter what, unable to read their signals. Results in inappropriate social behaviour.

    RMT resulted in greater awareness. Parent noticed a relapse and re started RMT so that reflexes had time to integrate.

Case 5:

  • A woman in her forties who did not want to go out, particularly in winter months. . She lost her confidence and let things go domestically at home.

    RMT resulted in a her becoming more confident and smiley within just a few weeks. RMT was ongoing until integration. Also benefited from using it as a tool for ongoing maintenance.

Case 6:

  • Had to be resuscitated at birth.

  • At 8 months was not crawling or engaging with her world. Almost entirely passive.

    RMT results: Within 3 weeks of undergoing passive movements from per parents, baby was moving items from surfaces and making appropriate noises, exploring with both her body and voice. Within another 4 weeks she was crawling, albeit with one leg sticking out. But the progress she made began enabling her to engage.