Sticky Coconut Rice with Mango

A friend of mine was describing this dish in London and when I saw sticky rice in a Chinese supermarket, I couldn’t resist having a go. It could be sweeter than this as I know more sugar would be added over there. So taste and add more if you prefer. Sugar can be added to the rice after tasting it when the hot coconut milk has been stirred in (instruction 4.) I have never had the original dish so I can’t tell you this is the real deal, but for me it hits the spot. So give it a go and it is an excuse to eat pudding in warmer months, maybe. (Mango? Asia? Sunshine?)

coconut sticky rie.jpg

Serves 8

1 cup sticky rice
1 tin coconut milk
150g sugar
Lime leaves or a stick of lemon grass (optional)
1 tsp tapioca starch

1. Place the rice in a bowl of water and rinse it several times until the water is clear.
2. In a heavy based pan add 500ml water to the rice and simmer for about 15-20 minutes. Be careful the rice does not catch on the base of the pan.
3. While it is simmering, add the coconut milk and sugar to a pan with the lime leaves or lemongrass if using.
4. Pour 3 quarters of the hot sweet coconut milk on top of the rice and stir in. Place a tea towel on top of the pan then a lid on top of that.
5. Pour the remainder of the coconut milk into a jug and mix thoroughly with 1 tsp tapioca starch. Set aside.
6. Leave the pan for 1 hour minimum before serving with mango and coconut tapioca sauce.


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