I am now speaking the language of RMT, something I never could have foreseen until its impact changed our lives. Through their progress, my children who are now teenagers, have taught me just how far Rhythmic Movement Training can take you.

RMT’s first recommendation would be to follow the hand and foot massage videos on the homepage, DAILY.

Due to a severe head injury sustained in 1990, I am fortunate to benefit from RMT myself. One simple example before I gave my first talks on a couple of books I wrote; I could not eat for a week beforehand, so nervous was I! With a few simple movements, I was ready to stand up and confidently speak to my audience. So simple yet so empowering.

Pre RMT this website had a larger emphasis on a gluten free diet. Being gluten free can improve the aborption of vitamin D. Amy Myers, a Functional Medicine doctor and bestselling author of The Autoimmune Solution, writes that those with neurological diseases have low vitamin D levels and an intolerance to gluten. Functional medics and neurologists advise to keep vitamin D at optimum levels so as to maintain defences. Cut out the gluten to increase vitamin D levels if this is of concern. Talk to a nutritionist for advice.