Pricing: £60 per hour. The first session takes one and a half hours at a cost of £85. Preparation time takes at least an hour which is included in the price.

This will include an initial chat over the phone or by email and the completion of a form for background information and advance preparation. We then meet for a consultation, preferably in person. Follow up contact or zoom calls for anything you are uncertain of are included. Return appointments should take place after a minimum of 3 or 4 weeks.

Sometimes sessions can take longer and I will not charge for the extra time. In addition to North Dorset where I live, I am often in South Devon and Northumberland or driving between the two so please do call so we can arrange a location which may work for you. If you are able to come to North Dorset near Child Okeford, I have a therapy room;
plenty of options so I hope we can make this work for you.

I can fit in 2 or 3 clients per day due to the time this takes so please book to avoid disappointment.

Happy to travel!