Jerusalem Artichoke Soup

I look forward to this time of year when Jerusalem Artichokes are available. If you have some truffle oil to drizzle on top, it adds to the earthy flavour.


Serves 2-3


Half an onion
30g butter
30mls olive oil
600g peeled and sliced Jerusalem Artichokes
600mls chicken stock or vegetable stock – if you are not a veggie chicken is preferable
80ml cream (but a little at a time, according to taste Salt to season to taste

1.  Fry the onion in the melted butter and olive oil until glossy.
2.  Add the artichokes and coat in the oil.
3.  Add the stock and bubble for about half an hour until completely mushily tender.
4.  Whizz in the blender and pass though a sieve.
5.  Add the cream and season to taste.
6.  Garnish with chives and a little truffle oil if you have any. 


Chicory, Orange, Cucumber, Salmon and Dill Salad


Crispy Chips