Cheese and Onion Potato Pie

Simple flavours for homeschool lunch. Think re-jigged baked potatoes and cheese, with a few sliced onions added.

cheese pie finale.jpg

Serves 8 - 10

1.2kg potatoes
400g grated cheese
1 onion
Melted Butter

1. Preheat the oven to 150C/300F and use a dish about 30 x 23cm.
2. Slice the potatoes very thinly with their skin left on. If you have a mandolin or a magimix with an attachment for slicing vegetables, they make chopping so much easier.
3. Melt some butter and paint it around the edge of the dish.
4. Put a layer of potatoes in the dish and paint it very lightly with melted butter and then sprinkle with some onion and cheese. Repeat until you have used all of the ingredients.

5. Bake in the oven for an hour and a half. Delicious hot or cold.


Crispy Chips

