Bounty Chocolate Biscuit Cake

When I was at boarding school and it was your birthday, you could have a chocolate biscuit cake made for you by ‘Massive Mandy’ who never smiled. For one week while the enormous buttery chocolate biscuit mass was eaten, you were everyone’s best friend! This is my version which my son called a Bounty Bar when eating up what was left in the bowl.


400g milk chocolate pieces/buttons (replace 150g of milk choc with dark if you like it richer, or all dark)
2tbsp golden syrup
75g butter
8 gluten free digestives (they are smaller than standard Digestives)
80g dessicated coconut
4 tbsp raisins (optional)

1. Measure the chocolate, butter and golden syrup into a pan and melt over a low heat.
2. Break the biscuits up with your hands into the mixture so that you have large chunks.
3. Add the coconut and raisins and stir in.
4. Take a 20cm Victoria Sandwich cake tin. Scrumple up a piece of baking paper and line the tin with it. Spoon the mixture into the tin and fold it over to shape the cake. Put a plate or if you have something like this trivet (that was lucky), then use that.

5. Put it in the fridge for a couple of hours or so before slicing.


… and make that cup of tea …


Blueberry Cream Cheese Breakfast Cake


White Chocolate Mousse