Cucumber and Dill Soup

I hate to admit that I let our veg garden overflow this year, and not in a good way. It is a bit of a jungle now and within it I found about 10 cucumbers, all a good size. So what better thing to do with them than make soup… it is cool, soothing and very delicious served as cold as possible.


500g/17.6oz cucumbers
375mls/1 and a half cups of yoghurt
1 large clove of garlic
A handful of dill leaves
2 tbsp tarragon leaves
70ml extra virgin olive oil
a squeeze of lemon to taste
1 tsp salt (perhaps sensible to add half a tsp and season to taste)

1.       Whizz it all together in a blender.

2.      If you would like it extra smooth pass it through a sieve before blending in the herbs.


Pistou Soup