Soured Cream and Caviar Potato Treats

I don’t know about you, but I find that sometimes I think we will have this or that for lunch and then something else is eaten and I end up with unintentional leftovers.  Well here I had cold baked potatoes looking wrinkled and lonely and perhaps not fit for much … until lumpfish caviar and soured cream sprung to mind. Not your average fridge resider, but lumpfish caviar is good on standby for this winning combination; this won’t be the last time it adorns these pages. You could do what I am not so good at, and really smarten them up with small baked new potatoes for a canape.



Baked potatoes
Soured Cream
Lumpfish caviar or Salmon Roe

  1. Preheat the oven to 180C/360F.

  2. Carefully halve the cold baked potatoes and spoon out the potato from its skin. Be warned, the skin may break easily and you will end up with a messy display like mine!

  3. Put all of the potato flesh in a bowl and heat it up with some butter and a little salt. Whisk it together so that it is light and fluffy.

  4. Spoon the mixture into the empty cases and bake until heated through.

  5. Top with soured cream and caviar – no need to go as overboard as I did with two types!! Over to you.



Salmon with Prawn Shell Bisque


Canapes a la Fribourg