Weekend Fluffy Pancakes

Anyone remember pre gluten free pancakes from Nigella Bites? Well if you don’t just look at the picture below and rest assured that these are lighter, fluffier and almost melt in the mouth. Quite excited this morning as I type this. I thought such pancakes may have departed my life since becoming gluten free. But I am relieved to say that since an hour ago or so, they haven’t, and these are even better!

My son has gone off to play rugby this morning. While I resisted such things on Sunday mornings for a long time, believing this should be a day of rest, teenagers and screens have dictated otherwise. I conclude that action is better than screens. So pre rugby pancakes were called for and I am now sitting with the leaves tumbling from the trees, the sky blue, air crisp and cold and a few hours to myself with the dogs. (and maybe some guilty pancake leftovers)


2 free range or organic eggs
1/2 a cup of ground almonds
1/2 a cup of gluten free plain flour
2 tsp gluten free baking powder
25g melted butter plus extra for frying
1/2 cup of milk
1/2 tsp vanilla essence

  1. Put the eggs in a blender followed by the dry ingredients.

  2. Add the remaining liquid ingredients and blend thoroughly.

  3. Melt the butter to a medium high heat and ladle or pour the batter into the pan.

  4. When bubbles start to appear on the surface of the pancakes, turn them over and fry until golden.

  5. Serve with maple syrup or whatever you like. They will happily keep for a day and be reheated.



