Scrambled spicy eggs for lunch

It is half term as I type and we are by the sea in Devon. I am home alone as my daughter and son have gone out on a dinghy with a picnic. So this is a speedy lunch after a long dog walk and very cold water swim. So invigorating and lifting of spirits!

You can mix the eggs with so many different things - anchovy essence, fish sauce (nam pla), Garam Masala and many other Indian spice mixes. I love spring onions and they add a good bite to this dish. Can be made in a couple of minutes.

1 tbsp plain oil or butter
5 spring onions
3 free range or organic eggs
1 tsp fish sauce or anchovy essence or garam masala or other spice mix

  1. Mix up the eggs with whatever you choose as your spice.

  2. Put a pan over a medium high heat with the oil or butter

  3. Cut the spring onions into the pan and stir for a minute or two.

  4. Pour the mix into the hot pan on top of the spring onions. Leave it for a few seconds before tossing it about the pan with a spatula.

  5. When it is not quite cooked through, use the spatula to pour it onto the plate. It will continue to cook through a little more.

  6. Dig in


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