Beetroot Carpaccio, Creamy Cheese and Dill Salad

I was going to write Goats Cheese in place of Creamy Cheese, but not wanting to put off anyone who doesn’t like Goats Cheese, this really is delicious, even if you use cream cheese instead.

While you could just slice up some cooked beetroot into wedges, if you make the effort to thinly slice the beetroot and make a pretty picture with it on the place, the thinness of the slices makes it all the more pleasurable to eat.


6 beetroot, medium size
125g soft creamy goats cheese
Fresh Dill
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Maldon Sea salt

1. Boil the beetroot in its skin until a knife goes through without much resistance.
2. Remove the beetroot from the pan and leave it to cool.
3. When the beetroot is cool, remove the skin.
4. Take a sharp knife and very thinly slice the beetroot. Lay it on a plate in one overlapping circle after another until the centre is filled.
5. Use a spoon to put blobs of cheese on top of the beetroot.
6. Cut some dill and sprinkle it over the plate.
7. Drizzle with a fresh virgin oil and season lightly with Maldon Salt Flakes.


Asian Minced Pork Patties with Rice Noodle Salad

