Tomato/Chicken Curry

A repost from my original blog from 2016.

If I told my son I was giving him tomato curry, he wouldn’t eat it, chicken he would. If I told my daughter I was giving her chicken curry she may be reluctant as she considers vegetarianism now and then, but she eats so many tomatoes I almost expect her to turn into one!  So, I told Olivia it was tomato curry, and Mats it was chicken curry and they both ate it up; success : ).

tomato chicken curry.jpg

Serves 4

3 tbsp ghee (clarified butter) or plain oil with a knob of butter added
2 onions, finely sliced
3 cloves garlic, crushed with a little salt
2 tsp mild salt flakes such as Maldon
1 tbsp fenugreek seeds
2 tsp yellow mustard seeds
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp coriander
4 chicken breasts, cut into bite size pieces
600ml pureed tomatoes

1.  Melt the ghee in a casserole and fry the onions over a medium heat for about 5 minutes until they are glossy.
2.  Add the garlic and stir in, cooking for a minute or two.
3.  During step 1 and 2, crush the fenugreek and mustard seeds.  Unless you have a grinder, this is not that easy, so put a tea towel on top of the pestel and mortar as you crush so that they do not fly all over the place.  It does not matter if some are not crushed, but best if at least half of them are.
4.  Stir in salt followed by the crushed seeds. Cook for a couple of minutes.
5.  Add the cumin and coriander and cook for another minute or so before stirring in the chicken.
6.  When the chicken has browned a little, deglaze the pan by adding some of the tomato and using a wooden spoon to loosen the flavours from the bottom of the pan.
7.  Pour in the remaining tomatoes and allow to simmer for a few minutes before putting the lid on and removing the pan from the heat.
8.  Leave the lid on and when the pan has cooled, place it in the fridge for half a day or so for the flavours to infuse.
9.  Serve with rice and diced aubergine baked in olive oil.

The purple juice which clashes massively with the red curry consists of apples (about 8), beetroot (2) and lime (3)


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