Reminder Cookies

Today I was asked for ‘those yummy chewy cookies’ and I really couldn’t remember even making them … so I am a little embarrassed that this I need this blog as a reminder. The reason I started it in 2012, before being gluten free, was because of being scatty; I would not be able to forget a recipe if it was online.  Then things developed a bit and two not exacty best selling books later I am back where I started, noting down recipes but this time gluten free.

We eat too many biscuits, so that now I put out pineapple or something like that for homeschool snack. Fruit, no matter how exotic, is not a chewy cookie.  With sugar overload in mind (and having no brown sugar in the house), I used coconut sugar.  They taste not quite as good as using brown sugar, but Olivia loves them and that’s all I need. Mats is not fussy when it comes to biscuits, so job done.




Makes 12 - 14

125g unsalted butter
100g soft brown sugar or coconut sugar
1 egg
1tsp vanilla extract
220g gluten free self raising flour
2 handfuls of white choc chips and cranberries or sultanas or whatever you like.

1. Preheat the oven to 180Mix the C/356F
2. Mix the sugars and butter together until light and fluffy.
3. Add the egg and mix in. Add a spoonful of the flour to stop the mixture from splitting.
4. Mix in the vanilla and then the remainder of the flour.
5. Add the choc chips or whichever goodies you have chosen.
6. With lightly floured clean hands or spoons dipped in hot water, roll pingpong size balls and press them lightly onto a lined baking tray.


7. Bake for 6 minutes before removing from the oven and pressing them down lightly with a spatula as they will have risen a little. Return to the oven for 3 minutes.
8. Remove from the oven and allow to cool on the tray, otherwise they will crumble. They will not appear cooked but when they have cooled on the tray will be chewy.

Eat within a couple of days for chewy cookies. They are crisp after a couple of days and good for dunking!


Bran Muffins (no Bran!)


Lemon Madeira Cake